February 2019 Public Consultation – Feedback

Since the consultation in November, we have continued to work on developing the proposals for Huncoat Garden Village. This work has been informed by our own technical investigations, the feedback from the earlier consultation and also additional consultation that has been undertaken. This has included:

  • A workshop with children from Huncoat Primary School was held in February 2019 to discuss what made Huncoat special for them, what they do and don’t like about where they live, and what might make Huncoat an even better place to live. The children provided thoughtful and interesting ideas about where they live, emphasising the importance of the landscape, countryside views and nature.
  • A Transport and Infrastructure Workshop held on 19 February 2019 at Huncoat Primary School, attended by local residents from across Huncoat, local Councillors and officers from both Hyndburn BC and Lancashire CC. This event provided the Masterplan team with the opportunity to have a more in-depth conversation about transport and infrastructure issues raised by residents during the November consultations and residents who participated provided an invaluable insight into transport issues across the geographical spread of Huncoat.
  • A Green Infrastructure Workshop was held on 6 March 2019 at Huncoat Primary School, which was again attended by local residents from across Huncoat, local Councillors and officers from both Hyndburn BC and Lancashire CC. Those present discussed the barriers to walking and cycling in Huncoat, ways to improve access and connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists, and ways to incorporate green space into the Masterplan proposals.
  • Workshops and meetings have been held with landowners and their agents, the outcomes of which have been positive and have laid the foundations for a collaborative working relationship in developing the Masterplan
  • Hyndburn Borough Council attend monthly meetings of the Huncoat Community Forum, providing an update on progress of the Masterplan and listening to comments and feedback.
  • A Consultation Working Group has been established for Huncoat, comprising Hyndburn Borough Council, elected members and representatives of local groups and societies (such as the Huncoat Community Forum). Again, this group meets on a regular basis and provides a valuable forum for discussing issues and opportunities relating to the Masterplan as they arise.