Welcome to Huncoat Garden Village
Hyndburn Borough Council has been busy working with consultants, Arcadis, to develop the proposals for Huncoat Garden Village. These are set out in the Huncoat Garden Village Masterplan Framework with the aim of promoting Huncoat as a location within Pennine Lancashire where people want to live, work and enjoy.
Guiding future development in Huncoat to meet the demand for more new homes in Hyndburn, the Masterplan details a series of proposals for the creation of Huncoat Garden Village. The Masterplan includes proposals for a new village centre, a new road, existing road network improvements, new and enhanced open and natural spaces, and high-quality new homes.
The current Masterplan was shaped by ideas from public consultations and community engagement.
Huncoat Garden Village – Masterplan Framework (2021)
The Huncoat Garden Village Masterplan Framework has now been approved. The Masterplan Framework, Infrastructure Delivery Strategy report, and appendices can be viewed here: Link to Masterplan Framework document
The Masterplan will be used as the key evidence for the Garden Village in an updated Local Plan for Hyndburn which is scheduled to be adopted in 2023. More information on the Local Plan can be found here: Hyndburn’s New Local Plan
The Masterplan sets a flexible planning framework for the future development of the Garden Village vision and proposals. The Masterplan will be complemented by a Huncoat Design Code [link to separate page] and both these documents will be used to guide local planners, land owners, developers and house builders on future development proposals within the Masterplan area.
The Masterplan was approved at a meeting Hyndburn Borough Council’s Cabinet (held on 20th October 2021). The minutes from this meeting can be viewed here: AGENDA ITEM – Huncoat Garden Village Masterplan
Development of the Power Station
In November 2021, Hyndburn Borough Council received an outline planning application for the “Redevelopment for up to 451 residential units, together with associated landscaping, open space, access and infrastructure” at the former Huncoat Power Station site (reference 11/21/0657).
Details and other information on this application can be found here: http://planning.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/publisher/mvc/listDocuments?identifier=DC&ref=11/21/0657
Huncoat Design Code
The Council has been working with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, and Homes England, to produce a Design Code for Huncoat Garden Village. This will complement the Masterplan Framework, providing a more detailed framework for the design of the Garden Village.
View a copy of the Huncoat Garden Village Draft Design Code!
Planning Awards 2022 – Huncoat Masterplan Shortlisted
The Huncoat Garden Village Masterplan was nominated in the Award for plan-making category in the Planning Awards 2022: https://www.planningawards.com/shortlist-2022
The awards recognise excellence in planning and associated place-making disciplines and the calibre of entrants this year was considered to be exceptional.
Hyndburn Local Plan
The Masterplan and Design Code will form part of the Plan for Hyndburn. To keep up to date with progress on the Hyndburn Local Plan, go to https://www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/localplan/
Latest News:
Public Consultation on Proposed New Road ‘Huncoat Lane’ now LIVE
The new road provides an attractive, high quality entrance to the proposed Huncoat Garden Village. This consultation will be live until Wednesday 14th February. To view the proposals for the new road, click the following link: Proposals for New Road ‘Huncoat Lane’
Two public exhibitions are being held at Huncoat Primary School between 4-7pm on Thursday 25th January and Tuesday 6th February.